Config shop

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! Legacy Warning !

You are currently visiting a prehistoric website of the Marcely's Bedwars plugin for v4 and older.

In 2021, we released version 5 and completely overhauled the wiki. A lot of information that you find here likely won't be up-to-date anymore. You may find the updated wiki on:

Page configurations

icon: <material>:<id>

Set the icon of the page

force-slot: <slot>

Item in the GUI will be moved to that slot (starting at 0) during post process

Item Configurations

caps-multiply: <number>

Set the amount that will be multiplied if you're holding shift and buying it
Warning: This is not being supported by the HyPixelV2 shop design

keep-on-death: <true/false>

If enabled then players will regain this item after their death

one-time-purchase: <true/false>

Players are only able to buy this item once in the whole round

icon: <material>

The icon in the GUI

icon-enchantment: <enchantment>:<level>

Add an enchantment to the icon of this item

buy-group: <group name> <level of item>

The buy-group is a system which allows you to buy items in a tier.
Every team starts at the lowest available level in the buy-group.
If someone is now buying something in e.g. level 2, then he won't be able to buy the item from level 1 from that same buy-group.
Example config:


  • Items at level 0 won't be visible in the shop. You may want to use this feature instead of "giveitems-on-*" of config.cm2
    • Start at level 1 if you don't want the first items to be given on the start of the game
    • Keep in mind when using level 0 that keep-on-death has to be set to true. Read more about it below
  • It's recommended to use it together with keep-on-death:
    • With keep-on-death: Player will keep the items after he dies and won't be able to repurchase the current or a lower tier
    • Without keep-on-death: Similar to the other one but player is getting moved to the first tier when he dies
    • Make sure that you're setting the correct keep-on-death value for every shop item, otherwise things might get buggy
  • Because it's not possible to repurchase the current tier it doesn't make sense to use together with one-time-purchase
  • Make sure that you are incrementing each step by 1, otherwise it won't be purchaseable

force-slot: <slot>

Item in the GUI will be moved to that slot (starting at 0) during post process

Item > Item Product Configurations

material: <material> (Required)

Set the material of this item

amount: <number>

Set the amount of items you'll get if you buy this item
The default is 1

auto-wear: <true/false>

The item will appear in the inventory slot if enabled.
Only works with armor items

enchantment: <enchantment>:<level>

Add an enchantment to this item

unbreakable: <true/false>

Causes that the tool or armor won't obtain any damage on use

display-name: <name>

Some shop designs are displaying the name of the products/items that will be given to the player.
Will use the english name of the given Config_shop&action=submit#material:_.3Cmaterial.3E_.28Required.29 item by default, but you can modify what exactly it should display with this config.

Item > Special Product Configurations

type: <special id> (required)

Set the type of this product
List of special items

amount: <number>

Set the amount of items you'll get if you buy this item
The default is 1

auto-wear: <true/false>

The item will appear in the inventory slot if enabled.
Only works with armor items

unbreakable: <true/false>

Causes that the tool or armor won't obtain any damage on use

display-name: <name>

Some shop designs are displaying the name of the products/items that will be given to the player.
Will use the english name of the given special type by default, but you can modify what exactly it should display with this config.

Item > Spawner Product Configurations

type: <spawner id> (required)

Set the the itemspawner that shall be given

amount: <number>

Set the amount of itemspawners that he'll get
The default is 1

auto-wear: <true/false>

The item will appear in the inventory slot if enabled.
Only works with armor items

unbreakable: <true/false>

Causes that the tool or armor won't obtain any damage on use

display-name: <name>

Some shop designs are displaying the name of the products/items that will be given to the player.
Will use the name of the given spawner by default, but you can modify what exactly it should display with this config.

Item > Command Product Configurations

command: (required)

The command that shall be executed (without the beginning /).


  • {name}
  • {displayname}
  • {uuid}
  • {entityid}
  • {itemname}


command: broadcast {name} just bought {itemname} from the shop

as-console: <true/false>

Will execute the command by console when set to true.
Is set to false by default

display-name: <name>

Some shop designs are displaying the name of the products/items that will be given to the player.
Will display "A command" by default, but you can modify what exactly it should display with this config.

Item > Price Configurations

spawner: <spawner> (required)

The name or id of the itemspawner that should be used as the prize.
Make sure that it's included in the itemspawners config file.

It's also possible to specify a material in here, which will be then used instead of the spawner.
Make sure that it's beginning with ITEM# (capitalization is important!).

spawner: ITEM#skull:md_5

Click here to read more about the material syntax

amount: <number>

Set the amount of required itemspawners
The default is 1


Players with the permission 'mbedwars.shopcustomprice' will see this price instead of price-amount