
From MBedwars
Revision as of 18:21, 24 October 2019 by Marcely1199 (talk | contribs) (→‎Creating a votelobby (optional))
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! Legacy Warning !

You are currently visiting a prehistoric website of the Marcely's Bedwars plugin for v4 and older.

In 2021, we released version 5 and completely overhauled the wiki. A lot of information that you find here likely won't be up-to-date anymore. You may find the updated wiki on:

Installing the plugin

1: Download this plugin
2: Put the downloaded file into the /plugins/ folder
3: Restart your server using the command /restart


There're 9 files with configurations at /plugins/MBedwars
config.yml: The main configurations for this plugin
achievements-config.yml: Enable or disable achievements
itemspawners.yml: Create your own spawner or change a spawner
shop-config.yml: Configurate the look of the shop or manage the pages/items in the shop
lobby-config.yml: Configurate the inventory in lobby
scoreboard-ingame.yml: Configurate the scoreboard in a round
scoreboard-lobby.yml: Configurate the scoreboard in the lobby
hologram-lines.yml: The lines of a hologram
sounds-config.yml: Configurate any sound here

Creating and configurating a arena

0: (once only) Set the location where the players will be teleported at end using: /bw setgamedonelocation
1: Now we are going to create the arena. Because there're 2 arena types, we must first decide which one is the best for us:

  • Region (default): An arena with the type region has 2 corner. You are able to create as many arenas in a world as you want.
  • World: This type is recommended if your arena is the ONLY thing in the world.

2.Region.1: If you decided to use the region type, you must first set the corners using WorldEdit or with the axt you can optain with /bw arena getpositionaxe.
2.Region.2: After that, you must type in this command: /bw arena create <arena name> <made by> [more made by...]
2.World: If you decided to use the world type, you only need to type in this command: /bw arena create <arena name> <made by> [more made by...] -world. Make sure that you are in the world of the arena!
3: Add a itemspawners: /bw arena itemspawner add <arena name> <itemspawner>
4: Get the bed for each team with: /bw arena team getbed <team color> and place it
5: Set the spawn point for each team with: /bw arena team setspawn <arena name> <team color>
6: Set the lobby-location for this arena: /bw arena setlobby <arena name>
7: Spawn the villager to trade with using a mob-spawner or the command: /bw summon dealer
8: Spawn the villagers to change the team using: /bw summon teamselectvillager <team color>
9: Enable this arena using the command: /bw arena setenabled <arena name> true
10: There're 2 ways to let a player join the arena:

  • Creating a sign with: /bw addsign <arena name>
  • Spawning a villager: /bw summon hubvillager specify <arena name>

11: Whenever you are making changes to the arena use /bw arena saveblocks <arena name> to save the arena

Creating a votelobby (optional)

1: Enable 'arenavoting-enabled' in the config.yml
2: Create a votelobby using '/bw arena create <arena name> -mapvote
2.1: The players config in the create GUI is the max players amount.
For example if it is set to 4, only arenas with 2x2 or 1x4 can join.
3. Set the lobby using the command: /bw arena setlobby <arena name>
4. Enable the arena with the command: /bw arena setenabled <arena name>

That's it!
Make sure that there're enough arenas to vote for.